Supporting Effective Youth-Adult Partnerships

  • On-Demand Webinar
  • Recorded on Thursday, May 27, 2021
  • 1.5 hour training
  • FREE for YIPA members
  • 100% approval rating
  • Become A Member
  • Already a member? Log in to your YIPA LMS to access this training

Learners' Own Words

"Brandon broke this down nice & simply. I appreciate it!"

"Affirmed the work we're doing - youth voice is very important when we set our programming."

"Presenter was very easy to listen to and I enjoyed the content."

Your Training Description

Adults don’t often consider the effect of power in their interactions with youth but youth are almost always acutely aware, and uniquely affected. In that gap, there is tremendous potential for better outcomes, genuine trust, positive youth development, and meaningful systemic change. The key is in learning to implement effective youth-adult youth through the lens of youth-adult partnerships. Learn a framework for sharing power appropriately and strategies for implementing a youth-adult partnership approach in your programs.

Your Learning Objectives

  • Learn how youth-adult partnerships positively impact youth development
  • Learn how to share power in your work with young people
  • Adapt your youth work to incorporate an understanding of power dynamics so you can implement effective youth-adult partnerships
  • Gain effective communication and relationship management skills to inform, empower, and engage young people

Your Trainer

Image of Brandon Jones
Brandon Jones is a psychotherapist, professor, and consultant. He specializes in Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), Historical and Intergenerational Trauma, Social/Emotional Intelligence (EQ), Leadership, and Youth Justice. Born and raised in Saint Paul, Minnesota, Brandon has survived living in a home of domestic violence and various other forms of trauma. Brandon holds a B.A. in Sociology from the University of Minnesota, a Masters in Community Psychology from Metropolitan State University, and a Masters in Psychotherapy (MFT) from Adler Graduate School. Brandon is also a 2013 Bush Foundation Leadership Fellow. He is currently a professor at Metropolitan State University, Inver Hills Community College, and Century College. He lives by the motto of “Live Life with Purpose, on Purpose”.

Your Competency Focus Area


Each of YIPA’s trainings are designed around a broad framework of eight youth work competencies. The competency focus of this training is: COMMUNICATIONS.

Gain communication flexibility which allows you to develop healthy, productive work relationships, engage in collaborative problem solving with youth, and improve individual and group facilitation.

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This training will count as 1.5 CE hours for most boards. Please contact your board directly with questions on submitting. You are encouraged to print or save this training information as a PDF for your records.