Transformative Conflict: A Trauma-Informed Approach to De-escalation, Healing, & Accountability

  • On-Demand Webinar
  • Recorded on Wednesday, November 11, 2020
  • 2 hour training
  • FREE for YIPA members
  • 97% approval rating
  • Become A Member
  • Already a member? Log in to your YIPA LMS to access this training

Learners' Own Words

"This was a very well put together training and the trainer was well qualified."

"I will use all information in my daily work practice."

"This was a powerfully important training for me!"

Your Training Description

Learn transformative techniques to address conflict directly and compassionately, fostering healthier relationships and liberating communities from the toll of discord. This training empowers youth workers with de-escalation skills and insights into the root causes of challenging behaviors. Shift from reactive responses, shaped by personal histories of trauma and privilege, to centered approaches that honor the unique experiences of youth. Reflect on transitioning program practices from punitive to transformative, interrupting cycles of violence and creating space for individual and collective conflict resolution possibilities.

Your Learning Objectives

  • Explore healing-centered approaches to conflict that are rooted in restorative and transformative justice
  • Understand how domination-based binaries of right/wrong, good kids/bad kids, and victim/perpetrator recreate cycles of violence and oppression
  • Build skills in trauma-informed approaches to conflict by distinguishing practices of accountability from those of punishment
  • Increase understanding of the needs beneath challenging behavior to move from reactions of judgment and blame towards empathic, strengths-based responses
  • Explore how to embody a centered and centering presence that can hold boundaries and de-escalate difficult situations

Your Trainer


Briana Herman-Brand, MSW, has been working with youth and adults for 20 years to heal and transform the root causes and impacts of trauma and oppression. Through training, facilitation, and coaching she supports individuals and communities to build skills at the intersections of healing and justice. She is a Lead Teacher with Generative Somatics, conducting courses nationally on trauma healing and embodied leadership for educators, counselors, and social justice leaders. Since 2003, Briana has worked in King County public schools and non-profits, supporting youth to interrupt cycles of violence while building collective power and dignity. For the past 6 years, Briana has been sharing her Trauma-Informed Youth Work framework with providers who want to increase the power and sustainability of their work. Briana has worked extensively in the fields of intimate partner violence, White anti-racism, LGBTQ experience, transformative/restorative justice, and community organizing.

Your Competency Focus Area


Each of YIPA’s trainings are designed around a broad framework of eight youth work competencies. The competency focus of this training is: COMMUNICATIONS.

Gain communication flexibility which allows you to develop healthy, productive work relationships, engage in collaborative problem solving with youth, and improve individual and group facilitation.

This training will count as 2 CE hours for most boards. Please contact your board directly with questions on submitting. You are encouraged to print or save this training information as a PDF for your records.