Suicide Prevention: Pathway to Care and Postvention

- On-Demand Webinar
- Recorded on Wednesday, November 16, 2022
- 1.5 hour training
- FREE for YIPA members
- 100% approval rating
- Become A Member
- Already a member? Log in to your YIPA LMS to access this training
Learners' Own Words
"Very sensitive treatment of a difficult topic. Thank you!"
"I really enjoy the engagement activities throughout the webinar."
"Awesome job by the presenter, Stephanie."
Your Training Description
We all have a role to play in suicide prevention. You will be better equipped to help when you understand how a Pathway to Care strategy is used as part of a comprehensive approach to suicide prevention. Learn what you can do within a framework of suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention. Explore suicide as a public health problem that can be addressed with principles of postvention to promote healing and prevention. Gain resources to be more confident in partnering and referring to fully support young people in all respects.
Your Learning Objectives
- Identify three components of suicide prevention
- Examine nine key strategies that form a comprehensive approach to suicide prevention
- Define the referral Pathway to Care and explore how it is used to identify and connect people to support
- Define suicide postvention and its importance
- Describe the goals and phases of a postvention response
Your Trainer

Your Competency Focus Area

Each of YIPA’s trainings are designed around a broad framework of eight youth work competencies. The competency focus of this training is: MENTAL HEALTH BASICS.
Build your understanding of prevalent mental health issues among youth today, learn how to connect youth with appropriate mental health resources, and practice good self-care strategies.
This training will count as 1.5 CE hours for most boards. Please contact your board directly with questions on submitting. You are encouraged to print or save this training information as a PDF for your records.