Calming Challenging Behavior

- On-Demand Webinar
- Recorded on Thursday, September 12, 2019
- 1.5 hour training
- FREE for YIPA members
- 98% approval rating
- Become A Member
- Already a member? Log in to your YIPA LMS to access this training
Learners' Own Words
"The presenter was so easy to listen to and provided great real life, hands-on strategies that were very applicable to youth work."
"Loved this facilitator. Great tips on how to work with youth AND families."
"This was a great training and helped reaffirm the work I'm doing with youth who have gone through trauma. This training also helped me understand how to explain these concepts to volunteers and other people working with youth!"
Your Training Description
Your Learning Objectives
- Understand how the brain contributes to anger, anxiety, and power struggles
- Learn how mirror neurons work and how to use them to shift a youth’s challenging behavior
- Discover the best connection strategy to help young people develop self esteem
- Be able to use parent-friendly phrases that improve communication and motivate positive interactions at home
Your Trainer

Samantha Moe, M.A., is a Certified Parent Coach and professional speaker. She started her career as a Speech Language Pathologist with a passion to unlock the gifts of children with Autism. She provides practical tools to help parents and adults who work with youth be more effective in calming challenging behavior. These tools have proven to be especially helpful with youth that are on the autism spectrum, have been diagnosed with ADHD, and/or that may struggle with sensory processing challenges. Samantha provides coaching to parents of all types of children to dramatically reduce defiance and disrespect and re-establish confidence and authority. Samantha guides youth workers through the steps to transform situations that feel frustrating and ineffective, into everyday experiences that feel meaningful and re-inspired. Samantha’s vision is to bring peace and enjoyment to families around the world and for kids to experience the childhood they deserve. More info at:
Your Competency Focus Area

Each of YIPA’s trainings are designed around a broad framework of eight youth work competencies. The competency focus of this training is: BEHAVIORAL INTERVENTION.
Adopt a mindset and perspective to understand the connection between emotions and behaviors, effectively model managing your own emotions as you teach youth to manage theirs, and diffuse dysregulated behavior and help youth re-regulate.
This training will count as 1.5 CE hours for most boards. Please contact your board directly with questions on submitting. You are encouraged to print or save this training information as a PDF for your records.