Wendy Lorenz-Walraven (she/her)

Wendy Lorenz-Walraven, LICSW, LSSW is a Clinical Social Worker and the Director of Equity and Diversity at Minnesota Transitions Charter School. She has 20 years of experience serving youth in educational and artistic settings and offers training on Trauma Responsiveness, Restorative Practice, and Culturally Proficient School Systems. She believes that with deep self-knowledge we hold the capacity to create space for the spectrum of difference. She meets all people where they are at with genuine curiosity and dedication to deepening connection and her own understanding. Breathing life into our whole selves creates space for the whole self of others. This is the space where stories can be shared, vulnerability is welcomed, and our potential for growth lies. Her hope is to offer some invitations and practical frameworks to guide your personal and professional journeys in order to create space for all of us.
Areas of Expertise: Culturally Proficient School Systems framework, Trauma Responsive Practices and Restorative Practices. I apply a clinical social work lens to individuals, educational systems and communities.
Trainer Services:
Virtual Training
In-Person Training
Keynote Speaker
Focus Areas:
The Field of Youth Work
Youth Development
Intercultural Engagement
Mental Health Basics
Willing to Travel:
Willing to Travel Anywhere
Fee Arrangements:
Willing to Negotiate
Sliding Scale
Contact for Details
Flat Rate: $200 per hour