This motivational talk is presented by The Professional Youth Worker as our gift to you. It's our mission to help you and your team build your skills and boost your passion for serving young people. Join us!
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Be Hopeful!

Richard Coffey is an impassioned youth worker and inspiring speaker. He is a native of North Carolina, an entrepreneur and businessperson, and a former professional athlete who played with the Minnesota Timberwolves. He served three years in the United States Army as an Airborne Paratrooper.

He brings all of his life experience together in service to his ultimate goal of assisting others as they discover and utilize their talents to meet challenges and solve problems.

In this short talk, he encourages you to tap into your courage and personal power as you weather the storm that is 2020. He invites you to take the rest of 2020 and really think about how you want to go into 2021 and things you want to accomplish on a personal and professional level. 2020 was a drag! We are all so ready for it to be over. Find a way to live your best life in 2021.

Contact Richard Coffey

Interested in a motivational speaker and life coach for your organization? You can contact Richard by phone at 763-442-5858 or by email at

The Professional Youth Worker

The Professional Youth Worker is powered by YIPA, a non-profit association of youth-serving organizations. We're your source for exceptional, affordable, personal and professional online learning. YIPA membership is amazingly affordable. Join us!